Now that we have a prepared surface, we can start to add the actual terrain. What you use for roughing and finishing is going to depend on your scenario. A scenario in heavy woods is going to look a lot different from something in the desert. The materials are generally the same, just different colors. And the process is exactly the same regardless of what the final look should be. I will outline the steps I followed specifically for Foy, but you should be able to apply the same steps to create any look.
Project Foy is played across rolling farmland through several small villages in southern Belgium. The battle itself takes place on Christmas Day, 1944. On this day, there was moderate snow cover, so this will be a winter scene. Given that, you might ask why we did not just stop with the white, prepared surface. The plan at this point is to use model railroad "snow" to cover the entire board after it is given an autumn look. First, I think it will look more natural, as snow rarely covers 100% of an area. Second, I want to try and remove the snow when we are done so that the board can be used for non-winter scenarios as well. Given the time invested, it would be a shame if it were single purpose.
The rough surface on Project Foy is a mix of fine Yellow Turf and fine Blended Turf - Earth. We use Woodland Scenic products:
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