I mentioned early on that the snow covered evergreens looked a little out of place with the unfiunished board. I thought they would look perfectly at home once the snow was on the ground. I think that is indeed the case:

Here are some more pictures from various angles. You should be able to go back and compare these against some of the in-progress pictures to get a good sense on how the board ended up.

Now it is time to start seriously planning for the first annual Battlefield Hobbies Convention gameday. It is called Day Of Days Con 2009 and will be held on Saturday, June 6, 2009 in Menomonee Falls, WI. Go to our website to find all the details. This will be your next chance to play Kampfgruppe Bohm. We will also run the game at Rock-Con in Rockford, IL this coming November. After that, KgB goes on the shelf and we are on to our next project- Project Berlin!!
If you are interested in more pictures, you can find them at the Battlefield Hobbies Picasa site